Boolean expression to compare columns of type "String". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input String_comparison_exp {
- String :
- String :
- String :
- # does the column match the given case-insensitive pattern
- String :
- String!] : [
- # does the column match the given POSIX regular expression, case insensitive
- String :
- Boolean :
- # does the column match the given pattern
- String :
- String :
- String :
- String :
- # does the column NOT match the given case-insensitive pattern
- String :
- String!] : [
- # does the column NOT match the given POSIX regular expression, case insensitive
- String :
- # does the column NOT match the given pattern
- String :
- # does the column NOT match the given POSIX regular expression, case sensitive
- String :
- # does the column NOT match the given SQL regular expression
- String :
- # does the column match the given POSIX regular expression, case sensitive
- String :
- # does the column match the given SQL regular expression
- String :
- }